Jonathan Bradley | Practice Lead, Bang the Table, United Kingdom

Passion! I’m passionate about community engagement because we can’t change things at the macro level. Change happens in your local neighbourhood, town or city. No government is truly going to regulate Twitter and Facebook and undo the damage they have done to the public sphere and democracy. However, every time a council or other public body does a good online consultation it restores faith in democracy and public participation, it reignites participative democracy. It is at this level that I can make a difference, where change can happen.

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coleslaw927 8 months ago
Jo Wilkie Creative Resilience over 3 years ago
I am passionate about facilitating dialogue online and what can be achieved.  I think it is the future.  I became aware of online dialogue facilitation 2 years ago and trained with Erasmus and the UN.  I realised how valuable these skils were to invite people to engage with respect and allow their dialogue to dig deeper through empathy and understanding while at the same time embracing whatver diversity is within any group dynamic.  I have transferred these skills to every part of my life both professional and personal including improving dialogue in my own intercultural home with 3 teenagers.  As a facilitator it is so exciting when the partcipants start to own the dialogue in the room and really start to care about a project and each other.