Why use the FAQ widget in combination with the questions tool?

    This is a great place to highlight the questions you are being asked often. If you can answer a participants initial question from the outset you leave them open to ask more in-depth follow-up questions. 

    How do I know if a question has been asked?

    All admin associated with the project will be emailed when a question is asked. You can easily manage who is notified in the tool settings. Participants will also be notified confirming their submission and again once their question has been answered. These notifications are all fully customizable. 

    How can I use this tool to distribute correct information?

    Encourage your community to come to you for expert lead information by enabling social sharing. This will help to spread the correct answers to community questions. It will also encourage social media users to come to your site for answers to their questions rather than relying on other social users.