Walking and Cycling Lanes Master Plan

As outdoor commuting has increased post-pandemic, our walk and bike paths have gotten more crowded, making it difficult for people to maintain physical distancing. We are working to identify what areas are most impacted by overcrowding and where can we improve – including widening of pavements, changing of road layouts, or creating a dedicated space for cyclers.

We are seeking your input to identify where we need to focus our efforts and what solution will have the most positive impact on you.

Please participate below and contact us with any questions!

As outdoor commuting has increased post-pandemic, our walk and bike paths have gotten more crowded, making it difficult for people to maintain physical distancing. We are working to identify what areas are most impacted by overcrowding and where can we improve – including widening of pavements, changing of road layouts, or creating a dedicated space for cyclers.

We are seeking your input to identify where we need to focus our efforts and what solution will have the most positive impact on you.

Please participate below and contact us with any questions!

Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025, 09:28 PM